Alright, that's not quite true, but it's sure how it feels today. We finally had our carpet installed on Friday! Goodbye scratchy stained, filthy, carpet and carpet bugs. Hello, soft, clean, all one color carpet!
I must confess, the color turned out different from what I originally thought, but it's still perfect to me. If only the new carpet smell would go away. Any suggestions?
UPDATE: July 2017
We moved out of our adorable townhouse in 2012 and rented it out for the next five years. In 2017 we decided to sell the rental and made minimal updates - including new carpet. If you are updating carpet know that new padding and better grade padding makes a HUGE difference. Every time we update carpet we update padding as well. I chose a much lighter color the second time around in here with a mix color in it to hide a lot more. Lighter, brighter wall colors too.
If we still lived here I would definitely knock down those half walls and do railing to open up the stairs.