Perhaps it's due to the crazy year 2007 that the Reno family would really like 2008 to be an awesome year, then again, maybe it's because in the last year some of the best things have come their way and now they want to enjoy it all. As I reviewed the top 10 list of things that cause stress I realized that over the last year we had almost all of it:
1. Sick family member(s) - Yes more than one. 3 hospitalizations, a death and some worry.
2. Money - Does buying a house count?
3. Your own health - Yes I had a baby in April, a root canal in July and my gallbladder out in December. Ouch. Is it crazy to say I'm not sure which was more painful?
4. Children - My son is my pride and joy, yet his addition to the family did add stress.
5. Work - OK, try this out: a business trip, quitting a job, living off savings, and a new job! Not to mention trying to study and graduate among all the other things going on. Ha.
6. Personal safety - Having a garage to park in adds a sense of security but when my parents house was broken into, while everyone was home, I know all of us were on the edge.
7. State of the world - Hmm? I had a professor last year say that the up and coming generation will be the first to be less educated then it's parents. I'm beginning to believe him.
8. Terrorism or natural disasters - Do all the toys in my living room count?
9. Relationships - Well, I have the most awesome husband. But I will admit having a baby does change things.
10. Discrimination based on race or ethnicity - I'd say I'm exempt but nowadays it seems that being white means you don't get any special treatments. Too bad.
Wow! No wonder I felt that this last year was extremely stressful. Now I just have to learn to deal with stress so when it comes (and it's inevitable) I will be much more capable of handling it! To all our friends and family - Please have a good year. Not just for your sake, but for mine!
